happenings around our place ;)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009 | |

First crazy happening is, it's turned c-o-l-d again...brrrr!!! Please weather, warm up soon for me! Since we've gotten back, I've done nothing much besides trying to stay warm, getting the house back straight, and laundry...oh my, I can never get caught up! Fun stuff!

However, I did get r-e-a-l-l-y lucky. I'll share. We have been planning a vacation to Disney in Orlando for a few mths. now. We knew that we wanted to go during spring break, but was not exactly sure when Brayden's week off was. After getting the days straight, Mark called to book our week. And much disbelief came over me, when the guy spits out there is nothing available that week. What? I think, no way. He tells us, from now on book your reservation 10mths in advance! Seriously?! See, we have to stay at a place that will take our timeshare points. That makes it a bit more difficult. Somehow they got disconnected. And so, I called back and got another Rep. Going threw the process again, telling him which mth/days he starts to tell me the same thing. Nothing available. And then he's like, wait, I'm getting something else up here...it's like a fluke, and I ask him..well is it a fluke? LOL He says no, they just got a cancellation...wait for it, for the week that we had planned to go!!! God is good! It's a super nice, 5 star resort. I'm so so excited! Disney is always so much fun, not only for the kids, but for us too! Our Granny is going, along with Mark's brother...and so there will be plenty of us to go around ;) The resort:

Also, I have Brayden's honor roll assembly pics. to post. I put the camara in Auto and only got to take a couple. I didn't want to miss seeing it, or mess around with settings. These are going in the baby books! Who are the other two? I have no idea. I wasen't even paying attention to zooming, I do find it interesting how short he is compared to other kindergarteners. No kidding he was one of the shortest up there, and in his class. He's our smart little peanut with cute dimples! :)

Another biggie around here, Jacob has decided to take off and crawl. *Sigh* I knew it was coming, and certainly didn't rush him. Our boys are like clones of each other, not only looks but there so similiar in alot of ways. For one, Jacob is crawling just like our others. He really kind of scoots on his bottom, or if he does decide to put in the extra effort he'll put one leg down and keep the other up. They have all crawled that way! They have followed the same pattern: Sit up early, crawl late, and walk on time. Jacob has been pulling up for a couple of weeks now, I feel like he'll be walking in no time. He is more content being able to get around now, there is not near as much whining and wanting to be held. I guess he's getting more independant! Color balance is everywhere with these it seems to me, I'm still trying to figure out CWB with our horrible lighting in this house!
Going after a book, he loves to sit and look at books. Or better, have them read to him.

Last but not least, my chocolate-chocolate bundt cake. I asked Mark to pick me up a pan, to try out my skills. For my first one, it's not so bad. The cake itself is really yummy. The icing now, not sure where I went wrong. It's not *bad* persay, but I don't think it turned out the best. I will definately try at it again soon. Looking at these now, I wish I had more of it in focus.

Happy Wednesday!
XO, Shauna


Anonymous said...

Lots of happenings in your life! Congrats on the vacation! WTG to the little guy for crawling!

CindyTykie said...

Congratulations on getting your vacation lined up and to your little guy for 'crawling'. Your cake looks delicious

Anonymous said...

That is great. We love Disney! Great photos too!

Susan Beth said...

God is Good and I hope your vacation will be everything you've dreamed!

Amy B. said...

yummy cake. I love chocolate cake but david hates cake since faye made so many when he was a kid. Glad things worked out for the vaca. :) Look at Jacob on the move. I bet it's been nice with him staying still for a little longer. Now he's going to be into everything right with his big brothers!

Suzy said...

Wow that cake looks yummy! Great captures!

Anonymous said...

I love the book reading pic. And the cake is making me crave chocolate!

Reds said...

Congrats for getting your vacation to Disneyworld! Lucky girl!! Great captures!... and that cake looks delish!

Becky said...

Yay on the vacation! Congrats on DS making the honor roll. Our school has done away with honor roll (don't want to make any kiddies feel bad) and it makes me mad!

Everyday Mom Designs said...

Yay and congrats on everything! Such a happy and great post!

Bobbi said...

Your kids are so cute! My boy is the shortest in his class. Congrats on the vacation too, those are always needed around here.

Amy said...

You sure have a lot going on, I wish I were going to Disney too! My fave of you photos here are the fourth and last ones. The expression of your son in the fourth one is too cute and that cake looks so yummy!